Sunday, May 8, 2016

Song in Minor Key

Song in Minor Key

This week I thought I would try something I have never read before, a two-page short story. I rarely read shorty stories because I feel uncomfortable just being trusted into a story or left with an ambiguous ending. So reading while reading this very short story, I tried to keep that out of my mind. After I read the story, it is defiantly one of the clearest short stories I have read this semester. There where no wired alien creatures, no strange planets that our character was on. I was able to actually follow the story with no problems, which I enjoyed greatly.

It starts by explaining where he is laying down and about his past away from earth. How he longed to return after they banished him away due to his crimes. They months, years, days he spent wondering on other planets looking toward ours and his past. I enjoyed how the author kept mentioning the gun tucked between his pants and his shirt touching his ribs. It showed how he always is on guard.

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